Friday, March 22, 2013

Seven Valleys

From Seven Valleys – Haft-Vádí (1860)
"In the ocean he findeth a drop, in a drop he beholdeth the secrets of the sea."
"Split the atom’s heart, and lo! Within it thou wilt find a sun."
From the Wikipedia entry on Seven Valleys – Haft-Vádí (1860)
the path of the soul on a spiritual journey passing through different stages, from this world to other realms which are closer to God, as first described by the 12th Century Sufi poet Attar in his Conference of the Birds. Bahá’u'lláh in the work explains the meanings and the significance of the seven stages.
In the introduction, Bahá’u'lláh says “Some have called these Seven Valleys, and others, Seven Cities.”
The stages are accomplished in order, and the goal of the journey is to follow “the Right Path”, “abandon the drop of life and come to the sea of the Life-Bestower”, and “gaze on the Beloved”.

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