Saturday, December 31, 2011

On Being Thoughtful

Nourish your Spirit with Stillness
Nourish your Mind with Knowledge
Nourish your Heart with Unconditional Love
Nourish your Body with Living Food
Nourish your Relationships with Thoughtfulness
~ Tim Ong
thoughtfulKind, caring, considerate behaviors stem from thoughtfulness; being thoughtful grows out of conscious awareness and compassion. To be thoughtful doesn’t mean twisting and bending out of alignment to meet others’ needs. When we are centeredand balanced we are naturally thoughtful to ourselves as well as others.
With conscious awareness of our impact on the world, we consider the ripple effect of our words and actions. We are also considerate towards ourselves - our mental, physical and emotional needs. We express care and concern to loved ones and the environment. Extending a kind thought or gesture, knowing it will brighten another’s day, becomes the norm.
Being thoughtful involves letting go of self-preoccupation, over busyness, and compulsive reactivity in order to be aware of how our lives intertwine with others. It takes us out of isolation and far from codependence into a balanced state of interdependence. We know on a deep level that we are all filled with the same spiritual essence. What we offer others is what we give to ourselves.

by Gini Grey, Transformational Coach

Friday, December 30, 2011

Exploring Mysticism

Tikal is one of the most spiritually,  powerful places on earth.  Huge pyramids rise out of thick jumgle beckoning us to explore ancient mysteries, over 3000 structures cover six square miles including palaces, temples, ceremonial platforms and steam baths.  Building began in 600 B.C.  For 1500 years this city was an important religious, scientific and political centre.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Change is a Constant


"If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars."
- R. Tagore 

Build a better life according to your ideal Vision.
Do not wait for perfect timing, get started now.
What you do today, is all that matters.
Do your best with what you have and start from where you are.

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working." - Picasso

There is power in action so make plans and execute them.

Circumstance is a result of your past and does not indicate where you are heading.

The greatest journey begins with the first step and so does your building of a new business or whatever you are setting out to create.

We all need to start where we are and in the moment, find the strength to overcome obstacles we encounter, persevere and endure until we achieve a few goals and gain momentum in a positive direction.

Live according to your Vision of the well-lived life.

"One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity."
~Albert Schweitzer

Reverence for Life:

Lost in thought I sat on deck of the barge, struggling to find the elementary and universal concept of the ethical that I had not discovered in any philosophy. I covered sheet after sheet with disconnected sentences merely to concentrate on the problem. Two days passed. Late on the third day, at the very moment when, at sunset, we were making our way through a herd of hippopotamuses, there flashed upon my mind, unforeseen and unsought, the phrase : “Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben” (“reverence for life”). The iron door had yielded. The path in the thicket had become visible.”

— Albert Schweitzer

Monday, November 28, 2011

Coaxing the Bell to Ring

File:Deer Park Monastery Bell.jpg
Deer Park Monastery bell in Escondido, California

With body speech and mind in perfect oneness
I send my heart along with the sound of the bell
May the hearers awaken from forgetfulness
And transcend the path of anxiety and sorrow

- Thich Nhat Hanh translation of Buddhist poem.

Be Here Now

Lotus Blossom

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Sex Addiction


Buddhism is often listed as the fourth largest religion in the world. It is exceeded in numbers only by Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.

Estimates of the precise number of Buddhists in the world vary between 350 and 1,500 million, making Buddhism the second, third or fourth largest world religion.

The exact number of adherents is impossible to specify for a number of reasons:
 "... they did not have congregational memberships and often did not participate in public ceremonies."

In totalitarian countries without religious freedom, reliable data is impossible to collect. For example, in 1995, only 5% of Chinese adults were willing to admit to pollsters that they belong to a religion. As a result, Wikipedia quotes Buddhist numbers in China alone as ranging from 106 million to 1.06 billion.

Many persons, particularly in Asia, follow a syncretistic religion which is a blend of various world religions. A combination of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism is one common example. There is no obvious way to compute a meaningful number of Buddhists under such circumstances.

Buddhism was founded in Northern India by Siddhartha Gautama in the sixth century BCE. However, Buddhists believe that there were countless Buddhas -- humans who have achieved enlightenment -- before him and that there will be many more after him. When Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment, he assumed the title Lord Buddha (one who has awakened)

Buddhism shares with Hinduism belief in karma, dharma, and reincarnation:
 Karma is the sum total of an individual's actions of body, speech and mind -- good, bad and neutral -- taken in their current and previous lives.

 Dharma, in Buddhism, refers to two items:
 The teachings of the Buddha; a person's path to enlightenment, and
 The fundamental principles that order the universe

Reincarnation is the rebirth of a living being after death into a new body that is either a human, animal or a supernatural being.

In contrast to Christianity, classical Buddhism does not involve the recognition or worship of deities. It also does not teach the existence of the human soul.

Buddhism later almost completely died out in India. However, by that time, it had become established in Sri Lanka. From there, it expanded across Asia, evolving into two or three main forms:
Theravada Buddhism (sometimes called Southern Buddhism; occasionally spelled Therevada) "has been the dominant school of Buddhism in most of Southeast Asia since the thirteenth century, with the establishment of the monarchies in Thailand, Burma, Cambodia and Laos."

Mahayana Buddhism (sometimes called Northern Buddhism) is largely found in China, Japan, Korea, Tibet and Mongolia.

Vajrayāna Buddhism (a.k.a. Tantric Buddhism, Mantrayana, Tantrayana, Esoteric Buddhism, or True Words Sect). Some consider this to be a part of Mahayana Buddhism; others view it as a third Buddhist path.

To these might be added:
Tibetan Buddhism. This developed largely in isolation from Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism because of the remoteness of Tibet.

Zen Buddhism. This developed from within the Chinese Mahayana school known as Chan. Zen Buddhism is becoming increasingly popular in the West.

Since the late 19th century:
Modern Buddhism has emerged as a truly international movement. It started as an attempt to produce a single form of Buddhism, without local accretions, that all Buddhists could embrace.

Quotations involving Buddhism:

"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity" A widely cited, but apparently spurious quotation attributed to Albert Einstein. 1

"The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances." Atisha.

"If you live the sacred and despise the ordinary, you are still bobbing in the ocean of delusion." Zen Master Lin-Chi.

"Aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I vow to cultivate compassion and learn ways to protect lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals. I am determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to condone any killing in the world, in my thinking, and in my way of life." The First Precept of Mindfulness Training, Thich Nhat Hanh. 4

"When the mind begins to become still, we then begin to truly see it. 
When you first try to stabilize and pacify the mind, initially it will become very busy because it's not accustomed to being still. 
In fact, it doesn't even necessarily want to become still, but it is essential to get a hold of the mind to recognize its nature. 
This practice is extremely important. ... Eventually you will find yourself in a state where your mind is clear and open all the time. 
It is just like when the clouds are removed from the sky and the sun can clearly be seen, shining all the time. This is coming close to the state of liberation, liberation from all traces of suffering. ... The truth of this practice is universal. It isn't necessary to call it a religion to practice it. 
Whether one is a Hindu or a Moslem or a Christian or a Buddhist simply doesn't matter. 
Anyone can practice this because this is the nature of the mind, the nature of everyone's mind. 
If you can get a handle on your mind, and pacify it in this way, you will definitely experience these results, and you will see them in your daily life situation. 
There is no need to put this into any kind of category, any kind of "ism." 

- Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche. 


This quotation is often cited as appearing in Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffman, Eds., "Albert Einstein: The Human Side," Princeton University Press, (1954). It looks like something he could have written or said. It resembles the type of language found in other religious and spiritual material that Einstein wrote. But there appears to be no evidence that the words are actually his. A search on Google for a phrase from this quotation found that it is seen at about 316 locations on the Internet. However, as explained in, item 14, he probably never wrote it. Still, someone wrote it. Also it contains many interesting insights. So, we included it.

"Quotes by Atisha," Gaia Community, at:

"Portal: Buddhism/Selected quote," Wikipedia, at:

Rev. Hozan Alan Senauke, "Cultivating Peace, Dismantling War: Inner and Outer Disarmament," The Buddhist Channel, at:

Venerable Gyatrul Rinpochem "Introduction to Buddhism," at:
"Why I believe Buddhism and Buddhist belief are false,", at:
"Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents," at:
"Buddhism by country," Wikipedia, as at: 2009-DEC-13, at:

Dalai Lama Quotes

The more adept we become at cultivating an altruistic attitude, the happier we will feel and the more comfortable will be the atmosphere around us. But if our emotions fluctuate wildly and we easily give in to hatred and jealousy, even our friends will avoid us. So even for people with no spiritual beliefs, it is important to have a peaceful mind.

Human beings are not intrinsically selfish, which isolates us from others. We are essentially social animals who depend on others to meet our needs. We achieve happiness, prosperity and progress through social interaction. Therefore, having a kind and helpful attitude contributes to our own and others' happiness.

Love, kindness, compassion and tolerance are qualities common to all the great religions, and whether or not we follow any particular religious tradition, the benefits of love and kindness are obvious to anyone.

It is time to develop a big ‘US’, rather than the old ‘us and them’ that lets us to exploit and bully others on a personal level, and on an international level to wage war. The East must see the West as part of ‘US’ and the North must come to feel that the South is part of ‘US’. We should include the entire world in our concern, wishing all humanity well. If we can do that there will be no room for hatred, thinking of others as enemies. And we will achieve this through education, not through prayer.

Spirituality concerns our own motivation, while secular activity implies working in the world. Because motivation pervades all action, it is important that we have a positive motivation. Whatever we are involved in, whether it's politics, education, medicine, law, engineering, science, business or industry, the nature of our motivation determines the character of our work.

Study and practice are both very important, but they must go hand in hand. Faith without knowledge is not sufficient. Faith needs to be supported by reason. However intellectual understanding that is not applied in practice is also of little use. Whatever we learn from study we need to apply sincerely in our daily lives.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blogger Philosophy

My Philosophy of Blogging

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or to be the mirror that reflects it.
- Edith Wharton

Ms. Wharton sums up how I think of blogs. My desire is to reflect the articles and pictures that inspire me when surfing the Web by posting them on my blogs. Blogs create a scrapbook of events to review later inspiring me for a second time. This is a great pleasure and an educational activity providing me with learning missed when I was in school. The Web has demonstrated its great value in generating and spreading new ideas. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Occupy Wall Street and other revolutions have gained momentum on the Web.
If you have a favorite cause like animal rights, you can play a part in education the world by posting to your blog. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

"To read means to borrow; to create out of one's reading is paying off one's debts."

- Charles Lillard

Communicating my worldview, as seen from my backwater home town situated on an island in the Pacific, is my way of staying engaged with current events.  Multiple Sclerosis has reduced my physical energy and keeps me close to home so I need to adapt and find new ways of relating to the world at large.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Eternal

Let nothing perturb you, nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything.

 - Mother Teresa

Monday, October 17, 2011

Being healthy in attitudes and behavior every day.

“The secret to inner peace and lasting happiness is kindness—not random acts of kindness or simply being nice, but rather, kindness as a way of life.” 
- Michael Chase

“Ample sleep needs to be a priority in your life, not just for a high beauty quotient but to ensure basic health, particularly as you get older.” 
- Robert Tornambe, M.D.

“Without the illness I would never have been forced to re-evaluate my life and my career. I know if I had not had cancer, I would not have won the Tour de France.”
--Lance Armstrong

‎"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins; not through strength, but through persistence."

Thought for the day: You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future. ~ unknown

‎"Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like unleashed imagination." 
- William Arthur Ward

‎"Be kind to each other. It is better to commit faults with gentleness than to work miracles with unkindness." 
— Mother Teresa

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mindfulness means keeping ourselves situated in the present.

The Construct of Mindfulness | Journal of Social Issues | Find Articles:
by Ellen J. Langer, Mihnea Moldoveanu
Mindfulness is not an easy concept to define but can be best understood as the process of drawing novel distinctions. It does not matter whether what is noticed is important or trivial, as long as it is new to the viewer. Actively drawing these distinctions keeps us situated in the present. 

It also makes us more aware of the context and perspective of our actions than if we rely upon distinctions and categories drawn in the past. Under this latter situation, rules and routines are more likely to govern our behavior, irrespective of the current circumstances, and this can be construed as mindless behavior. 

The process of drawing novel distinctions can lead to a number of diverse consequences, 

(1) a greater sensitivity to one's environment, 

(2) more openness to new information, 

(3) the creation of new categories for structuring perception, and 

(4) enhanced awareness of multiple perspectives in problem solving. 

The subjective "feel" of mindfulness is that of a heightened state of involvement and wakefulness or being in the present. This subjective state is the inherent common thread that ties together the extremely diverse observable consequences for the viewer. Mindfulness is not a cold cognitive process. When one is actively drawing novel distinctions, the whole individual is involved.

'via Blog this'

Monday, October 10, 2011

Be Present In Your Life.

The Scholar and His Cat

Be The Change You Wish to See in The World.

Children drummed to school, Vietnam

The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there.

"Be The Change You Wish to See in The World."

- Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dalai Lama - Mission Statement

“He frequently states that his life is guided by three major commitments: the promotion of basic human values or secular ethics in the interest of human happiness, the fostering of inter-religious harmony and the welfare of the Tibetan people, focusing on the survival of their identity, culture and religion.”

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Beginner's Mind

Sit down before facts like a little child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion.  Follow humbly whatever and to whatever abyss nature leads, or you shall learn nothing.
- T.H. Huxley

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Shaker Song

'Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain'd,
To bow and to bend we shan't be asham'd,
To turn, turn will be our delight
'Till by turning, turning we come round right.


Om mani padme hum is the most important mantra in Buddhism. It is the six syllable mantra of the Bodhisattva of compassion Avalokiteshvara.
Om Mani Padme Hum in Tibetan script
Om Mani Padme Hum in Tibetan script.

Om Mani Padme Hum on a stone
Om Mani Padme Hum inscribed on a stone.
The Dalai Lama is said to be an incarnation of Avalokiteshvara, so the mantra is especially revered by his devotees. Click here to hear the mantra chanted by a Tibetan refugee.
The basic English translation of Om mani padme hum is "Om Jewel in the Lotus Hum" or "Praise to the Jewel in the Lotus." However, the meaning and significance of the six Tibetan syllables have been interpreted in a variety of ways. One common interpretation is that each syllable corresponds to one of the six realms of existence and purifies the vice associated with that realm:
  • Om purifies bliss and pride (realm of the gods)
  • Ma purifies jealousy and need for entertainment (realm of the jealous gods)
  • Ni purifies passion and desire (human realm)
  • Pad purifies ignorance and prejudice (animal realm)
  • Me purifies poverty and possessiveness (realm of the hungry ghosts)
  • Hum purifies aggression and hatred (hell realm)
It has also been said that recitation of each of the syllables prevents rebirth in the corresponding realm.
The first known description of the mantra appears in the Karandavyuha Sutra, which is part of certain Mahayana canons such as the Tibetan canon. In this sutra, the Buddha says:
"This is the most beneficial mantra. Even I made this aspiration to all the million Buddhas and subsequently received this teaching from Buddha Amitabha."
In his book Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones, Gen Rinproche says of the mantra:
"The mantra Om Mani Pädme Hum is easy to say yet quite powerful, because it contains the essence of the entire teaching. When you say the first syllable Om it is blessed to help you achieve perfection in the practice of generosity, Ma helps perfect the practice of pure ethics, and Ni helps achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance and patience. Päd, the fourth syllable, helps to achieve perfection of perseverance, Me helps achieve perfection in the practice of concentration, and the final sixth syllable Hum helps achieve perfection in the practice of wisdom.

So in this way recitation of the mantra helps achieve perfection in the six practices from generosity to wisdom. The path of these six perfections is the path walked by all the Buddhas of the three times. What could then be more meaningful than to say the mantra and accomplish the six perfections?"


  1. Meher McArthur, Reading Buddhist Art: An Illustrated Guide to Buddhist Signs and Symbols (Thames & Hudson, 2004), 156.
  2. "Om Mani Padme Hum." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.